Introducing Debika! Debika grew up in a family with both of her parents and three sisters. The sole income earner for his family, her father ran a small grocery shop which barely covered the basic expenses for the family. As he was not able to afford education for his daughters, he decided that Debika, would have to end her education as an 11th grader. Upon learning about her father’s decision and eager to reach graduation, Debika became very depressed.
Debika learned about NISHTHA, Yoga Gives Back’s NGO partner in India, through a girls’ group in her community, and applied for the SHE (Scholarship for Higher Education) program. With the support of YGB’s SHE program, Nebika not only graduated from high school, but continued on to college. While she studied in college, she apprenticed for a tailor during which she earned an income with which she could help support her family. In addition, Nebika began tutoring local children – a service which bolsters her identity and earns her respect in the community. Last but not least, we are delighted to share that Debika has recently been married, but in her typical style of being strong, courageous and determined, she continues to work, attend school, and support her family.
Please donate to YGB’s five-year scholarship for higher education (SHE Project) to help turn Debika’s and other youths’ dreams into realities. SHE currently funds the education of 400 disadvantaged youths so that they can earn their college degrees. Just $250 per year or $20 per month can support one student to transform their life completely. Join us here