Welcome Jacob Fishman (Oregan) to YGB Global Ambassadors Team

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“For me, one of the simplest applications of Yoga is the practice of right relationship. Right relationship with myself, right relationship with the people I come into contact with, and right relationship with the broader environment and world. Yoga has given me more than I’ll ever be able to put into words. Giving back and paying it forward to the women and children of India is, for me, right relationship.”


For Jacob Fishman (@climbyogafish), a childhood of year-round soccer in the Phoenix heat, and a case of Scheuermann kyphosis, led to chronic back pain at 16 years old. Fortunately, two things happened: his mom convinced him to take a yoga class, and he started rock climbing. A couple months of climbing and yoga and he was pain free. Both experiences, climbing and yoga, have been an inextricable part of his life ever since. Jacob’s practice draws heavily from the Anusara lineage, which he practiced for ~10 years with Meg Byerlien at Desert Song Yoga before he moved to the Columbia Gorge, OR, USA in 2017 where he currently practices and teaches (@columbiagorgeyoga and @machiyogastudio).