NISHTHA Update of Cyclone Amphan on Microloan Groups
Manami Das, Manager at YGB’s NGO Partner NISHTHA in West Bengal shared an update from West Bengal, where Cylcone Amphan on May 20th destroyed 80% of homes.
Last ten years, YGB developed with NISHTHA, a very successful “Sister Aid – Micro Loan Program” that have empowered 500 impoverished mothers in this rural area and saw an incredible progress among them who gained self confidence and self worth as they built their small income earning work as well as support group of peers. COVID-19 nationwide lockdown still continues and these women have lost their income since March. Then, this catastrophic Cyclone Apmhan hit this region in May very hard, devastated already suffering families as they lost everything: houses, clothing, food, educational materials, and materials for their income earning work.
YGB is now assisting NISHTHA’s urgent relief effort so these villagers can rebuild their lives and get back to normalcy as soon as possible. With monsoon season’s arrival, the current challenge is getting harder every day. Now more than ever, we are called to take action to assist their recovery. For the cost of one yoga class, you can truly help lives. We will continue Zoom calls with NISHTHA’s Manami Das and share with YGB’s global community, as there is no media coverage about this devastating situation. We can truly save lives if we come together and give back.
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