Manashi’s surviving daughters
Manashi was an impoverished mother with two daughters and a son, who lived in Dakshin Indrapala village in West Bengal. She worked in the fish business with her husband. Manashi’s husband was a drunkard who squandered what little money they had on drinking. The care of the children and ensuring two square meals and their education were all Manashi’s responsibilities.
When the Social worker from Nishtha, YGB’s NGO Partner, learned about Manashi’s situation in 2016, she visited her and shared information about YGB’s Sisters Aid project which provides micro loans. Manashi joined this program and her economic condition started to improve. Manashi often suffered with severe headaches and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In July 2017, she became completely bedridden. Seeing her condition, the Sister Aid micro loan group collected money to support her, even approached the local clubs and other communities for help. Unfortunately, her cancer was quite serious and she died.
The father of the children still did not care much about them. Today, Pinki, Manashi’s daughter, is supported by YGB’s Sister Aid project. Her elder brother stays with her Aunty. Pinki’s elder sister was 19 years old, who had dropped out of the educational program long before she was brought under the project’s support and had been married. Her father was not willing to continue Pinki’s education but with pressure from the Shakti Tama micro loan group, Pinki has been admitted and she is in Class V and is continuing her schooling.
The group members are constantly watching her and trying their utmost to fulfill her needs providing cooked food from their houses. They have appealed to her immediate neighbors to also look after her. Should her father try to set up an unwanted marriage, they should inform her group members as soon as possible. Pinki’s school teachers have been contacted personally to take care of her studies and assist wherever they can. This illustrates the importance of forming a group and the necessity and value of the kind of support provided by group members to their fellow companions.
YGB is proud to partner with NISHTHA in West Bengal who works tirelessly for these under served girls and women in rural villages. NISHTHA social workers administers micro loan programs as well as conducting regular social awareness and support workshops so that everyone in YGB’s programs learns how to stand up for their human rights and improve their living conditions with hope. We have been inspired to learn how Sister Aid micro loan groups function as a social support when women face difficult situations at home.
Please join the force of #OneMillionYogis. $25 a month can fund one group of micro loan group of 11 women for a year. Donate today!