Don’t Let Covid-19 Divide US

“Thank you. You were there when I needed help…”


Vinutha, Deenabandhu Home Graduate with a short video message for you from India

“COVID-19 rolls back progress on female education in India.”

“As extreme poverty returns, India sees surge in child slavery.”

“India denying subsidized food grains to millions of its poor.”

These are some of the headlines underscoring the real hardship among the marginalized communities worsened by India’s second wave of COVID-19. The struggle seems never-ending…

However, your generous contribution has already provided light to so many lives through YGB’s programs, in addition to the emergency relief efforts of providing food, medical kits, and sanitary napkins. 

Here is a snapshot of what YGB has been able to commit so far, adding 200 women and children to a total of 1600 lives, in partnership with three NGOs in Karnataka and West Bengal:

  • Added 70 children to continue their education with safe life environments, while avoiding child labor and/or child marriage – a  total 600 children.
  • Added 50 mothers to our micro loan program – a total 545 mothers. 
  • Added 113 boys and girls to our five-year “Scholarship for Higher Education” (SHE) – a total 413 students to attain college degrees.

Stay tuned for the announcement of more new programs that  empower children, and create opportunities for them to thrive and succeed against all odds. 

Thank you for taking action as a true force of #OneMillionYogis giving back to empower many lives together.

Check out our Blog for the latest issues and challenges the women and children we support in India are facing and how your donations are making a difference.

Join ZOOM call tomorrow with Manami Das, Manager at our NGO Partner NISHTHA, West Bengal, to hear their updates. 

Saturday, Sep 11th, 8:45am PDT/ 11:45 EDT/ 4:45 pm GMT



We are delighted to announce that Dr Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Laureate, father of Micro Financing and Social Businesswill receive our Namaste Award live at the Annual Global Gala. Dr Yunus inspired YGB’s birth fourteen years ago and we are honored to have him share his message with Q &A. It will be a full day of enriching yoga and mindfulness conferences and sessions by our incredible global Ambassadors and supporters. It is a free event with suggested donations. Exciting Silent Auction, Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities coming soon!

Welcome New Global Ambassadors

We are excited to have these wonderful yoga teachers from around the world join us to share our mission with their local and global communities! 

Ellen WatsonJeanne Heileman, Andrew Hillam Danica LynchAlly South Tara MitraJulie Choi TrepkauAshley Rideaux . 

Don’t miss “Founder’s Interviews” on IGLive & IGTV 

Tuesdays & Thursdays this September

Join our “Gratitude Circle“!

With as little as $10 a month, you have an access to 50+ yoga asana, cultural and mindfulness sessions by our esteemed Ambassadors and supporters, while empowering lives in India.