I am very much grateful to the SHE project because it is through this project that I am having a better life than my elder sisters.
Nafisha is from a small village of Chaknitai, and grew up the youngest of four siblings in a conservative Muslim family. In accordance with their customs, Nafisha’s three older sisters were married when they were very young. Nafisha witnessed the trauma and misery of her sisters’ lives after marriage and was determined not to walk the same path.
Through interactions with her peers, Nafisha learned about YGB’s Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) and applied to the program through YGB’s NGO partner NISHTHA. Nafisha was accepted into the SHE program, and through this education program, she was eventually able to break free of the cycle of violence and early marriage. Nafisha is currently enrolled in a Nursing program at a prestigious government hospital, and looks forward to completing her internship. Upon graduation, Nafisha is ensured employment with a generous salary, allowing her to fulfill her dream of leading an independent life in which she can also help her parents.