Thanks to your generous support, YGB launched Project Shaale last year, with the aim of supporting underserved children (and their teachers) who lost access to their education during the 18 month-long school closure.
Deenabandhu is glad to inform you that our Fun Science Gallery was inaugurated by the Honorable Minister for Primary and Secondary Education of Karnataka, Sri B. C. Nagesh, on February 6th, 2022. The Education Minister appreciated the exemplary work being carried out by Deenabandhu, remarking that this work should be replicated in other districts, as well.
The Fun Science Gallery was constructed thanks to an additional grant of INR 12,50,000 awarded to Deenabandhu by Oracle. We have named the space “Vijnana Loka’” (Science World) and it comprises a Science Park as well as a Gallery. This year, it was planned for children from approximately 40 schools in Chamarajanagara to visit Vijnana Loka, where they could spend a whole day engaged in various activities. To date, 25 schools have visited the Gallery, and more schools will visit this month. During the visits, children learn the scientific concepts behind the various exhibits. They also watch a magic chemistry show, and then create their own science toys in groups, which they can take back to their schools.
We are incredibly grateful for your heartfelt support, without which opportunities such as these would not be possible for these children.
Learn more about Deenabandhu and YGB’s Scholarship Programs