YGB Ambassador Anouk Prop Shares a Story of Giving Back

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Anouk Prop spent a beautiful afternoon with her friend Lokesh Rao Jadav not too long ago . Going down memory lane they shared some unforgettable memories of the yoga events they organized in Mysore, the fun they had and much more. Here are some words written  about him years ago when Anouk first arrived in Deenabandhu.

“Lokesh, being a diamond himself, with a Deenabandhu history, is for me a great example of how you can overcome obstacles in your life by doing your best, with the right intentions and a warm heart. He grew up in the Boys Home and left a couple of years ago to Mysore for his bachelor studies. Now, at the age of 21 he’s back and helps Jayadev, the owner the orphanage, wherever he can. His whole being is one radiance of enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Besides our lovely runs in the morning, a good preparation for the Kilimanjaro climb in February, he also takes me to the local market to buy fruit, shows me every place he knows in the area and teaches me everything he knows about the Indian culture. Always with the same smile, always yearning to learn about my culture, about my way of living and the things that I do.

Walking around together in the neighborhood must be some speciality for the local people. They look, giggle, talk and even a vicious policeman came the other day to ask Lokesh where he was going with me and what we were going to do and why. It doesn’t seem to bother him. He takes life as it is, with a big smile and a belief in what he’s doing, whether it’s his thesis on the existing ants in Karnataka or drinking a coconut with me on the corner of the street on our way back from the market. Even when they are covered by dust, filth and red  clay, some diamonds have the capacity to shine trough all layers of human existence.”

I’m so proud of this young man. He’s 25 years now and he went to Poland and Rajasthan for apprenticeships and now is working as a project manager in Bangalore. Thank you for being you Lokesh!