Welcome Harmony Slater to YGB’s Board of Directors

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“Yoga Gives Back is an inspiring, transformative organization that invests in one of India’s most valuable and yet, underrated resources: women. By empowering these motivated women to create something for themselves, their families, and their communities and by encouraging them to further invest in their children’s education, this simple act of micro-financing becomes powerful enough to change the lives of many generations. As a daughter, wife, and mother, my heart was deeply touched by the testimonies of the women whose lives have been forever changed because of their involvement with this non-profit organization. India is a place that is very close to my heart, and I, personally, have been forever changed because of my connection to Her and Her gift of Yoga. India is a country where my spirit feels very much at home, and my heart breaks for so many women there who work so hard to support their families and are often victims of abuse and inequality. My life has been blessed by India in more ways than I can express and by several great Teachers, Gurus, who have brought me out of darkness and into the light. I feel that Yoga Gives Back is an opportunity to share this light with the people, the sisters, who reside in the country of my heart and truly need our assistance. It is a tangible way for me to say “thank you” to Mother India for all that She has given us and continues to share.”

Harmony Slater is a Certified Ashtanga Yoga Teacher and Certified Integrative Wellness Coach. She traveled to East Asia in 2002 to study Buddhism, after completing two degrees in Philosophy and Eastern Religion. In 2004, she began a life-long love affair with India, spending the next fifteen years living there for extended periods of time immersed in yoga practice and philosophy. She co-founded two yoga schools in Canada and has shared her experience with pregnancy and childbirth in the books: ‘Yoga Sadhana for Mothers’ and ‘Strength and Grace: A collection of Essays by Women of Ashtanga Yoga’. She’s a contributing editor for Sonima magazine and the host of the Finding Harmony Podcast.

For over twenty years Harmony’s mission has been to share the deeper teachings and practices of buddhism and yoga to enhance wellbeing and spiritual integration. She’s taught workshops in over 30 different countries and now is primarily focused on helping professional women struggling with burnout, restore their energy, and reconnect with their purpose, passion and profession.