Welcome Elizabeth Van Genderen (Colorado) to YGB Global Ambassadors Team

You are currently viewing Welcome Elizabeth Van Genderen (Colorado) to YGB Global Ambassadors Team

“I want to support Yoga Gives Back as I deeply believe in its mission to pay the gifts of yoga forward, especially aiding underserved women and children in India.”


Elizabeth Van Genderen is a devoted Ashtanga practitioner and teacher whose life has been deeply enriched by extensive travel throughout India. In Mysore, she received Level 2 Authorization from lineage-holder Sharath Jois with his blessing to teach Ashtanga’s Full Intermediate Series. Elizabeth co-owns Ashtanga Yoga Denver which has lovingly served the Denver yoga community for the past 10 years. A veteran of 5 marathons (including Boston), Elizabeth has undergone multiple knee surgeries, and she credits yoga for its incredible healing power. Elizabeth loves being a mother (she has two children, Lizzy & Thomas, and two funny pups, Cosmo & Theo). Elizabeth enjoys volunteering and has been a long-time tutor in Denver through Whiz Kids and Samaritan House.