“I want to support Yoga Gives Back as I deeply believe in its mission to pay the gifts of yoga forward, especially aiding underserved women and children in India.”
Elizabeth Van Genderen is a devoted Ashtanga practitioner and teacher whose life has been deeply enriched by extensive travel throughout India. In Mysore, she received Level 2 Authorization from lineage-holder Sharath Jois with his blessing to teach Ashtanga’s Full Intermediate Series. Elizabeth co-owns Ashtanga Yoga Denver which has lovingly served the Denver yoga community for the past 10 years. A veteran of 5 marathons (including Boston), Elizabeth has undergone multiple knee surgeries, and she credits yoga for its incredible healing power. Elizabeth loves being a mother (she has two children, Lizzy & Thomas, and two funny pups, Cosmo & Theo). Elizabeth enjoys volunteering and has been a long-time tutor in Denver through Whiz Kids and Samaritan House.