Welcome Deepa Chemery to YGB Global Ambassador’s Team

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“Yoga is excellence in action. ‘Yogah Karmasu kausalam’. For me yogagivesback is karma yoga. When I found a group of yoga teachers doing their excellent selfless work towards a wonderful cause I looked no further. I joined the one million yogis by hosting fundraising events.I saw an idea that was in my mind since my teenage years put into action.Thank you YGB. I am honored to be part of this family.” ~ Deepa Chemery

Deepa’s yoga practice started in Bangalore in Bihar school of yoga style. Deepa is an RYT-500 and prenatal yoga instructor who presently lives in Los Angeles and teaches at CSUN, local studios in Woodlands Hills and the local Indian community.  For Deepa Yoga is a way of life whe shares this through her Pragathi Yoga classes.