2022 Global Gathering for India Events Supporting Women Rise Digital Center

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YGB is grateful to our world-wide yogi community for offering these special fundraising events in support of our annual campaign “A GLOBAL GATHERING FOR INDIA” to unite as one global community to give back to India with gratitude for the gift of YOGA.

Neena’s Om Shanti Yoga – Virtual Fundraiser – Vancouver

June 20th, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Join Neena for From Joyful movement to stillness – Restorative Yoga Time

We’ll be practicing Pranayama (breathwork), The Viparita Karani pose which is legs up the wall and going beyond Savasana into  Yoga Nidra.

Join Zoom Meeting https://sfu.zoom.us/j/5982869636

Meeting ID: 598 286 9636 One tap mobile +17789072071,,5982869636# Canada +14388097799,,5982869636# Canada

Global Gathering for India Charity Event Hosted by Angela Jamison

June 24th, 7:30 am – 9:30 am

YGB is grateful to Angela Jamison for offering this special class to support our annual campaign “A GLOBAL GATHERING FOR INDIA.”

This will be an Ashtanga Full Primary Series class counted in Sanskrit, appropriate for practitioners who are familiar with the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga. You will receive a ZOOM link upon registration.  Register here.

Nea Ferrier – Ashtanga Yoga Dubai Charity Event

June 25th, 8:30 am – 9:30 am

Join Nea in an Ashtanga yoga full primary led class to benefit Yoga Gives Back.

Farzaneh Noori – Yoga House Hosting a Restorative and Gentile Yoga Fundraiser – California

June 25th, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Join us for  a meditative afternoon of Restorative and Gentle Yoga with Farzaneh Noori. Flowing movement and supported poses will open your body and spirit as you float in the healing tones of planetary gongs and crystal singing bowls of Saharah Ali.

Christine Hoar – Ashtanga Montauk Hosting a Zoom Charity Event – New York

June 29th , 7:30 am – 8:30 am

Led Modified Primary Series & Intro to Intermediate Series suitable for those with some familiarity with the Ashtanga practice.

Virtual link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcoc-msrzgpE9CTIet9W4vPU_bDL6ZW1neh