YGB Founder Kayoko Mitsumatsu will be on IGLIVE with Mina Lee June 5th, Saturday 7:30am PST!
YGB supports more than 1400 vulnerable mothers and children. For the cost of one yoga class, you can truly assist lives, especially NOW!
Every year, International Yoga Day is an opportunity for our YogaOne community to join with Yoga Gives Back in their goal to create a community of #ONEMILLIONYOGIS to give back and uplift India’s underserved women and children.
Please see how your support can make a real difference to many lives in India in this difficult time, along with so many yogis world wide are taking part in this mission.
Please join us on June 21st @ 6:45pm for this very special annual event. 100% of the proceeds will benefit Yoga Gives Back.
Mangrove One studio/ Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6460114147?pwd=U3pIaFgxYUdxeERRV3N0OENqSnN6Zz09 Meeting ID: 646 011 4147 Passcode: 12345