Yoga Gives Back funds 37 children at the Deenabandhu Home in Chamarajanagara, Karnataka. Deenabandhu is a voluntary organization committed to the welfare of children from all castes, creeds, and religions. At this home, children receive loving care and high-quality education, including biodiversity conservation projects.
Professor Jayadev, the founder, comes from a distinguished literary lineage and has been an educator for nearly 40 years. Through the Yoga Gives Back Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) program, Deenbandhu can support deserving students from rural and underprivileged backgrounds in their pursuit of college education. Deenabandhu’s efforts to uplift the community also extend to women, as it provides them with skill training.
Supporting Yoga Gives Back, provides a safe home for orphaned girls in the motherland of yoga. Join the #OneMillionYogis campaign today!